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Barkin Buddha Java, Coffee with a Cause

Barkin Buddha Java's journey began with our founder, Rachelle Giles, who was searching for an opportunity to bring her community together. The support of local animal shelters, and animal rescue organizations, was at the top of list. The vehicle to achieve this goal, came from a business associate, who offered a partnership in the art of coffee roasting. 

Barkin Buddha Java is committed to roasting and delivering the finest coffees from different regions of the world to your front door. Rachelle Berman-Giles, through education and research, has discovered a treasure trove of exotic, spice laden, robust, organic, and decadent coffees. Barkin Buddha Java supports small, family-owned farms and estates, including three that are women owned.

Barkin Buddha Java is committed to fairtrade, sustainability, and is environmentally conscious.    

What makes Barkin Buddha Java uniquely different from other coffee companies? We air roast our coffee so you can actually taste the coffee, with no burnt after taste. 

Our coffee never sits on the shelf waiting to be purchased. Barkin Buddha Java prides itself on freshly roasting your coffee beans, the moment we receive your order, ensuring the freshest coffee is delivered to your front door.

Our Mission is to support animals living in shelters, waiting for their forever home. There are many animal shelters throughout the United States that run on a shoestring budget. Barkin buddha Java donates a percentage of each bag of coffee purchased, to help support local animal shelters.

The best part about our coffee is the animals we serve, and the customers who support our cause.